Wednesday, December 15, 2010

eternal hope and patient endurance

1. Be gentle
2. Don't be anxious
3. Present requests thankfully in prayer
4. Experience peace and a guarded minded

These are what I've claimed as my steps to peace. Sometimes 'life' interrupts your plans-not always in a bad way, but life has a way of catching up to you... and I think what I call 'life' is really a time of God taking what I've made into my own plans and merging that back into realignment with His.
Yesterday I had one of these 'life catching up' days. Today, after going over and over my four steps from Philippians 4:5-7 something new stood out. In verse 5 when Paul commands us to make our 'gentleness known to all' his reasoning is because 'the Lord is near'.
If Paul would have said 'be gentle because life is meeting your expectations now' over half of us would have a good reason to not be gentle. Yet, if our hope, joy, compassion, gentleness, and emotions were contingent on the hope of That Day, surely that is an unwavering hope.

So today, I must be fixed on eternity. The next plans (phase of life) that I have outlined for myself cannot be be my goal. I must make sure that these plans line up with God's final plan.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God 'has set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end'.
This stage in life may not make sense to me- nevertheless what is required of me is a 'patient endurance and faithfulness' (Revelation 13:10). It's a form of the saying: 'when you can't trace His hand- trust His heart'.
When day-to-day circumstances confuse me, by not following the plan that I expected, I must realign my heart once again to eternity- the unfathomable eternity placed in my heart.
It is a difficult task because I would like to make my own plans and ideas, and to prepare, expecting the next phase to happen. Yet, every good and perfect gift I have received comes from a Father who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17).
I am, as His child, promised eternity. Holding on to the hope of That Day, I will not be moved away from gentleness and the patient endurance that is required of me when my temporary plans seem to have fallen through. The hope of eternity is much to great for that!

Monday, December 13, 2010

wisdom and the heart

'Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.'
-Proverbs 3:7

It's terrible that the thought synonymous with the phrase 'guard and protect your heart' is the voice of Kasey from Ali's season of the Bachelorette, complete with tattoo, claiming that all he wants to do is 'guard and protect her heart'.
Thankfully, beyond hearing Kasey's voice, I am also reminded of Proverbs 4:23.

In the first chapter of Proverbs wisdom is personified as a woman crying aloud in the streets; from there the writer of Proverbs continues to show us the specific actions of wisdom.

Chapter 2, verse 10 in Proverbs says: 'Wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul'.
In verse 12 of the same chapter wisdom becomes what will protect us 'from the ways of wicked men'. The promise of protection by wisdom is restated in verse 6 of chapter 4: 'Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you'. And then in the midst of reading about the protection of wisdom it just seems natural that we would find 'Above all else, guard your heart' in Proverbs 4:23.
Wisdom enables me to guard my heart, not Kasey ;), and this wisdom is not from me, it is wisdom that comes from 'fearing the Lord and shunning evil'- that is the secret to a guarded heart, our wellspring of life.
Wisdom is key. It is to be 'looked for as silver and searched for as hidden treasure' Proverbs 2:4.
My heart will be protected and guarded by the wisdom of God! What a blessing!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

such a strange way

"Why me, I’m just a simple man of trade
Why Him with all the rulers in the world
Why here inside this stable filled with hay
Why her, she’s just an ordinary girl
Now I’m not one to second guess
What angels have to say
But this is such a strange way to save the World"

I'm amazed at how God uses me. The words to this song seem so perfect with my thoughts today.
This morning I officially completed an internship in a position where I was able to serve high school students at my local church. The past year would best be summed up by saying that God graciously kept me out of the way. Words cannot describe my love and appreciation for what I experienced and was able to do.
This afternoon I received an offer to work in Louisville this summer after graduation. The job? Event planning =)

Why me?
God has caused His face to shine upon me. Never in a million years would I have thought myself to be worthy of such tasks or of such a calling.
I know that life isn't always easy. Today God has proven faithful in opening my eyes to His timing and providence, among other things.

It's funny that I never want to wait and that I tend to worry about my future, and yet God is always patient and always confident in His ways. His plan is so strange to me.

I'm off to a birthday dinner for a friend that I have now known for over half of my life. Today, I found a picture of us from high school. It was taken 6 years ago when we were on a church trip to Knoxville, now we are here together in college- incredible!

I am thankful for, and humbled by, days when God presents His plans before me in ways that I can't ignore; opening my eyes and taking back the layers on my calloused heart.

Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing my Great Redeemer's praise!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Sitting here on a Monday night, it's only 8, but you could convince me otherwise. It has been a day filled with turning in projects, taking quizzes, writing papers and all the things that fill the in between.
I wanted to share some words from John Ortberg that I had come across a few months ago- it's a good reminder for days like this- see if you can relate.

"If I wake up in the morning and go through the day with a shrunken God, there are consequences. I will live in a constant state of fear and anxiety because everything depends on me, and my mood will be governed by whatever circumstances hit me that day.

If I live with a shrunken God, I will find it unnatural to pray when I have a need, because I'm not really sure, to be honest, that God makes a difference and that prayer matters. If I live with a shrunken God I will become a slave to whatever other people think of me, because I don't live in the security of a big God's acceptance of me. If I face temptation to speak deceitful words in order to avoid trouble, I'll do it. Or if I can get credit for something at work that I haven't earned, and I don't trust there's a God who sees in secret and will one day reward, I'll do it.

When human beings shrink God, they pray without faith, worship without awe, serve without joy, suffer without hope, and the result is a life of stagnation and fear, a loss of vision, an inability to persevere and see it through. It's against this backdrop the writers of Scripture never tire of telling us that we do not live with a little tribal God.

Whatever our need, God is bigger. Whatever out weakness, God is stronger."

I'm guilty of shrinking God today. It wasn't intentional; it crept its way in when I began making my problems bigger. In doing that I stopped looking into the telescope towards God and looked through the microscope at my circumstances.

I needed time to sit down. So after I finished washing the dishes from dinner and paused The Holiday, I opened my Bible to 2 Corinthians 6: 3-10... while my sister's dog is laying on my feet keeping them warm : )

This day will be over soon and tomorrow, for all practical purposes will be just like today. So as guilty as I am for shrinking my view of God, I am thankful for being made aware of it and for having time to sit down, just for a little bit, to reflect and gain an upward perspective.

Now it's 8:30... I only have to stay up 2 more hours until I can justify going to sleep, without having a bedtime given to me by my parents...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Afternoon Thoughts

It always frustrates me how I never make blogging happen. Let's just add that to the list of things that don't get done.

I feel like, and fully believe this theory, that if I didn't impose my own expectations into my 'to-do list' that I would be more satisfied in what I do. What if we could all take an objective view at what really needed to be done, the bare bones (not in a slacking lazy sort of way, but in a freeing way) and we allowed ourselves to be content with that.

For me it comes back to some basic reoccurring themes I have been working on in my life: Sabbath rest, contentment, and enjoyment.

Recently, in this past week I have been camping out in Ecclesiastes- just doing a chapter a day. And in every chapter it seems to say- in one way or another, that it is best to 'find satisfaction (enjoyment) in our work' (2:24-25; 3:12-13; 5:18).

Beyond satisfaction, there is this principle of Sabbath rest. To be honest, it doesn't yet make sense to me. I am just beginning to recognize it's importance, yet still wrestling with the specifics of what it needs to look like for me. How do I live my other 6 days in order to best use- for lack of a better word- the Sabbath for what it is, rather ought, to be?

And contentment: Paul talks about learning this secret in Philippians 4. I have heard some insight recently about the way(s) to find contentment... 1. Since coveting is the bookend to the 10 commandments and loving God above all others is the first- by tying the two together, it would make sense that we find contentment (the opposite of coveting) by having no other gods before Him. 2. after Philippians 4:11- learning to be content, comes Philippians 4:13- doing all things through Christ who gives me strength. Something about the order and placement of those two verses sticks out to me. In relying on God's strength, and knowing that all things are possible because of, and through, Him - I know that whatever is needed in my life will come about by His ability, not mine.

These past few weeks I have been challenged with some new ideas. I'm thankful for this time. Thankful for where I am. And thankful that it doesn't always make sense.
I am continuing to trust that it is Creator God Himself "counseling me and watching over me" (Psalm 32:8).
Continue to live one day at a time. To fill those days with love; and to keep your gaze fixed on the road ahead, and the glorious prize to which we have been called.

Friday, October 15, 2010

"it just doesn't get much better than this"

Somedays I get into bed and find myself thinking "I hope tomorrow is as good as this day has been".

Other nights I'll crawl into bed, close my eyes, just eager to move on to the next 24 hours.

God never promises 'better' days.
He promises new ones.

Today was one of those "I hope tomorrow has some good stuff in store because it's going to be pretty tough to top what just happened" kind of days. With a best friend's wedding, on a perfect fall day in the hometown, I am confident that you would find yourself thinking the same thing.

So when I found myself hashing out tomorrow's agenda, I had to think back to some familiar passages.
Lamentations 3:22 & 23 "For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness"

And it's the fact that tomorrow is new that I am excited to close my eyes. Not because the day was bad, and not because I'm ready to get through a long week. But because my Creator God, is creating tomorrow new for me!
I heard once that essentially God could have everything calculated out, and running on a set pattern. Yet instead, He says to the sun every morning 'do it again' - He creates the sunrise each day.
I love newness. New isn't based on the past, it is independent. I love that yes, somedays it seems that it can't get better - but too, that there are days where 'the shadow proves the sunshine'.
So tomorrow will be new and with that I'll call it a day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Lord your God is with you

What a beautiful promise.
Reading that on a 'normal' Tuesday, it strikes me differently than I usually consider it.
The Lord.
your God.
is with you.

at this moment when I am doing homework and crossing off things from my to-do list.
The Lord, my God, is with me.
In the routine- He isn't bored. He definitely isn't stressed about finding time to accomplish what's next. He isn't on reserve until a major crisis comes up.
He is with me.
And if that weren't enough- the verse continues by saying that "He takes great delight in me"!

How precious a love the Father has lavished on me! I am grateful to be called HIS child today.

Zephaniah 3:17

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Say Yes to the Dress

Weddings. Dresses. Flowers. Pictures. Music. Romance.
My 'passion' for weddings is nothing new.
Interning as an event planner this summer only added fuel to the fire. Movies like '27 Dresses' and shows like 'Say Yes to the Dress' or 'Whose Wedding is it Anyway' help me get my fix on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

"Many of our most selfish desires are hidden behind the white-laced veil of marriage."

This is a quote from what Greg Pinkner shared at Crossroad last night, to say that it struck a cord with me would be an understatement.
Last night was a night that God had ordained to be the night for me to begin a journey of really getting to the core of my beliefs and expectations of marriage. No longer would we (God or I) be okay with allowing this idol (to be completely honest) that I had created for myself to exist in my life.
The process of 'idol removing' began by studying the Word of God as recorded by Paul in Ephesians 5:22-33. It's hard to miss the constant comparison between husbands and wives with that of Christ and the church. In a way, it's more than just a comparison- wives and husbands are because of Christ and the church.
My view of marriage is skewed. My view of marriage is selfish. My desire for marriage is for my benefit. And up until last night, I hadn't quite come to terms with that.
Now is the point where, after the initial impact that that statement had on me, I must allow God to move me on from that point.
"Many of our most selfish desires are hidden behind the white-laced veil of marriage."
It's time for me to get real with myself.
Here's to continuing on the journey.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

game day outfit

Now before you roll your eyes at the title, let me explain.

So it's "Football time in Tennessee"!!! Meaning, among other things, A LOT OF ORANGE - everywhere! (never a bad thing if you ask me)
Girls on campus (no, I will not exclude myself out of this category) talk about the 'game day outfit' all week. Dresses are preferable, and yes, I will confess that this is an outfit that has been planned out for a while.
It is with this in mind that I reflect on the words of God, as recorded by Paul in Colossians 3. There's a word in verse 12 that grabs my attention: clothe; and it's the list of words following after the word that has made me think on this verse.... for about as long as I think about my 'game day outfit' if we were to be honest.
Compassion. Kindness. Humility. Gentleness. Patience. Love.
(I have a clever slash ridiculous way of remembering these 6 traits, ask me if you ever want to know.. I prefer to think it's clever...)

Let me go ahead and state the obvious- that what you clothe yourself is visible. I feel like that is a fair statement to make. So when Paul writes, saying to clothe yourself with these virtues, I believe that it is with the purpose of making them visible in our lives.
Just as visible as the perfect combination of orange and white I will be wearing today.
It would do the people I come in contact with today more of a service if I was kind, compassionate, humble, gentle, patient, and loving than just by displaying my love for the VOLS. People today need this (Philippians 2:4). They need love, compassion, kindness, etc. and I pray that that is just noticeable as what I'm wearing.
This could definitely be a ridiculous way to make a point, but it really hits home for me.
Have a great day! Enjoy the start of fall football!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

eating the elephant

Here's to breaking the silence.
It's a Thursday evening in Knoxville. I just cooked a delicious dinner (well... I cooked), my roommate is asleep on the couch, and there are textbooks in my room that need to be read. So of course I want to blog!
This Saturday is the start of 'football time in Tennessee', Boomsday, and a visit from my parents!

I've learned a lot so far this semester.
I've learned to trust more in the Sovereignty of God.
I've learned that the life given to God means it's given to Him in service in all aspects.
I've learned that I am not as good as I think I am when I'm placed in undesired circumstances.
I've learned that eating an elephant begins with one bite,continued by one bite at a time.
I've learned how to tweet properly.
I've learned how to throw a softball (depending on who you ask).

All these things that I've learned I've been taught. Often taught in uncomfortable ways.
Taught, without knowing it in the process.

Thing is though, personally, I don't think I have passed these lessons. While I'll ask for a teachable heart- I resent lessons 'delivered' in less than pleasant ways; lessons that I experience through tears, instead of smiles; disappointment, instead of a sense of accomplishment.
And it's been a struggle. It still is. But I'm thankful that I am on some level, aware of the teaching that is occurring. In summary of this blog and of these thoughts-
Psalm 32:8
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you"
What a promise!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

one starry night

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens.

Who created all these?
Who marches His army of stars out night by night
and calls each of them by name.
Because of His great power and mighty strength
not one of them is missing.

Why do you say oh Jacob and complain oh Israel
and say my way is hidden from the Lord
my cause is disregarded by my God?

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?

The LORD is the everlasting God.
He is the creator of the ends of the earth!

He does not grow tired or weary
His understanding no one can fathom!

He gives strength to the weary
He increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary.
Indeed, young men stumble and fall.
Yet if you hope in the Lord your strength will be renewed.
You will soar on wings of eagles.
When you run you will not be weary
when life is slower you will not become faint.

Isaiah 40:26-31

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I 40-East

The occurrences of the last 3/ 4 weeks:
I finished up my last week as an intern with event coordinators in Louisville. The thing I will miss the most is being able to talk about colors and floor plans in the office. Ryan and Adam will have none of that. It was an incredible opportunity and looking back I am amazed at how smoothly it all went.
Leaving of course meant saying goodbye to Ben and Christy. The summer definitely has it's highlights... of which they are a big part.

The next week back in Knoxville went by extremely quick! It made me really appreciate all the work that had been done while I was gone so that everything could go smoothly for high school summer camp.

Then there was the week of camp- Peel the Orange. Such an incredible way to kick-off the start of being back in Knoxville!

This past week I was able to go home and rest up. It was also my daddy's birthday so being able to be there for that as well as seeing Ben and Christy again was much needed!

Now, I am sitting in my kitchen on a rainy Saturday in Knoxville eating lima beans and rice... maybe one of these days I will start putting meals together... maybe.
My plan for today is to limit my naps (yes, plural. it's not uncommon for me to take more than one a day) and to stay on task- with whatever I can find to do. And in just a few days it's moving day! Fortunately, I thought I was moving earlier this summer so everything is packed up, which makes my week a lot easier!

So here's to being back in Knoxville and the start of the fall semester, football season, and a lot of fun! = )

Friday, July 9, 2010

true that

although the will of God may not be directly linked with happiness/ easiness, it is most assuredly marked by His presence and that is more reassuring/ comforting than things going according to plan

Habakkuk is an incredible encouragement- makes me wonder what other books I have looked over because they're unfamiliar

I spent over 6 hours at Starbucks today... not sure how I feel about that

sometimes doing redneck things can be fun- like laying out in the driveway with a kiddy pool... even when the sun isn't shining; calling someone on speaker phone while skyping to make up for the fact that the sound isn't working; getting out the extension cord to charge your phone while laying out so that you can listen to pandora (in the driveway, with the kiddy pool); even listening to the tv in your room like it's a radio because you (I) can't figure out how to turn the picture on...

God knows what will get my attention: be it arriving at SH from the Lou at the exact time my friend does (when I was so concerned about being late), or meeting my sister on the interstate the first day I got to Louisville (when I was worried about getting lost on my way to her house), or by waking up one minute before my alarm is set so that I don't have to hear it go off (I don't like waking up to an alarm-at all), or randomly running into my cousin twice in one week at various locations in Louisville (that doesn't just happen)

my grandparents have been married for 61 years today, it's strange to think of my friends that are getting married now and ff that 60 years...crazy!!

I think I have so much power because of the things that I am able to accomplish because of my sight. Yet, would I be 'unproductive' if I couldn't see, if I stopped using my hands, if I was unable to move? All these 'external abilities' what do they add up to? Am I defined/ accomplished by what my eyes see, what my hands do, or where my feet move? If productivity isn't a check list than what is it? Prayer can be done with my eyes closed, hands tied, and feet still. Prayer works, prayer moves, and prayer results in action. Prayer is moving when I am not. Prayer is from me, initiated by God, and yet beyond me. Prayer is working when and where I am not. Colossians 4:2

God has a way of making His thoughts seem like my thoughts to me-then He divinely touches that moment and I realize that He intervened at the beginning and initiated that work before it was even a thought to me

Monday, July 5, 2010

in His hands

I catch myself trying to hold onto things. Wanting moments to last and fearful of undesired change.
What I forget is that my life is held in more powerful Hands than mine. He knows what is best- in every season and what He hold does not accidentally 'fall out'. What He holds is protected and watched over. He holds what is needed -for as long as it is needed. He does not 'phase out' blessings simply because there is not enough room for them all- His hands have more than I could hold on my own (Malachi 3:10).
I don't have to worry in not knowing. (His faithfulness in reminding me of this is astounding.) Perhaps that is vulnerability, sharing my most desired plans, and trusting that if it is needed, truly, it will be.
I am not the one that gives the okay. Our Father doesn't check with me to make sure that I am emotionally alright with it first. He already knows, He has a way designed already for me to grow from whatever is about to come next.
So many times I am scared of the next event in my life. Even the bad ones God has brought about for good. I have NO reason not to trust Him to care for me.
My life, my hopes, my fears, my family, my career.... ALL in His hands.
That will be enough for me.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

You have my attention

Well... life in Louisville. And what a life it is.
I haven't blogged in a while because I haven't felt that my thoughts would be much better to read than anything else that's out there. But I have missed it. I just kinda wanted to break my silence from blogging tonight. you know, to remind you that I'm still out here.

This 4th of July weekend my family is up to celebrate. I can't help but to think back to the Philippines and where I was 365 days ago. I think it would be safe to say that I have thought about that place all 365 days. What a blessing it is to be with my family when last year it was such a big deal to be on the phone with them. I think about all the people I know that are all around the world this summer sharing the glorious hope of salvation! What an experience.

A verse that has been on my mind today is Luke 12:48 " To the one who has been given much, much will be demanded; and to who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." I remember as a kid my dad would start off by saying 'to whom much has been given...' and leave the rest for me to fill in. For some reason I never could get it right- among my wrong answers I remember sometimes saying 'much will be received' (ha I really hope I knew that was wrong... how true that is though that sometimes we receive blessings and hang on to them with closed hands). Yet as a country have we not been entrusted with much? And will much not be demanded? My heart is being pulled to the Philippines, it's so hard for me to genuinely be okay with being in America. Who knows what that will mean for my life, I just can't get over Luke 12:48. For some people Matthew 28:19-20 is the verse that calls them to a life of missions but for me I think that it is Luke 12:48.
What an incredible God and what incredible & immeasurable blessings!
How has God gotten your attention lately?

and if you haven't listened to 'you have my attention' by copeland recently- please do so now.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'and so we will be with the Lord forever'

These words from 1 Thessalonians 4 have been resonating in my mind this afternoon.
Today was a wonderful day- all around just great. Sitting outside after dinner I had one of those times that make you wonder why the moment couldn't last for a while. I remember my dad saying one time that he always wished that life wouldn't change, that it would slow down long enough to be appreciated the way it is. Today was one of those days.

These words are what we are all craving for. To dwell, to be with the Lord, forever. To not have to depart from that moment and not have to attempt to hang on to that moment as if it were fleeting.
That time of being with our Lord will never end!
It has been such a fantastic day, but I can trust that even if tomorrow doesn't bring me the same results - one day I will enjoy the best moment; and it won't be fleeting.
'Therefore encourage each other with these words.'

1 Thessalonians 4:17-18

Friday, June 11, 2010

you have everything you need

As assured, or perhaps I should say familiar, as I am with this promise of God, I find myself battling it's truth daily. I don't believe that being where I am 'supposed to be' could be at a place where I am not happy, to put it bluntly. Keep in mind, it's not so much the physical location that I am referring to but more the state of life.

Here's a brief summary of what life has been like this past week:

My GPS has been a constant companion- I really would be lost with out it, sometimes I'm even lost with it.
My run in with poison ivy has not been pleasant. I'm not sure how I would classify it (mild, bad, or horrible) because I've never been around someone that has it but I'm pretty sure that when it spreads over your entire body it isn't a good thing.

side note:
I can't imagine what it have must been like to be a leper. Disregard becoming an outcast of the society (not even being able to go sit in Barnes and Noble or get a coffee from Starbucks) but what about having a disease take over your body and you have no control over it. The fact that Jesus touched these people still gets me - but even in my case of poison ivy I am keenly aware that Jesus took control over their bodies, and their lives, by stopping the spread and healing the scars of their disease.

Today I drove to several golf courses hoping to find a job that would give me something to do during the days. That was an experience in itself. I had been wanting to go to Barnes and Noble to read/blog because being alone isn't as bad in the presence of other people and I wanted time to think without going crazy in the house.
Everything I have mentioned and everything I am going through in life right now has somehow pointed me back to deciding for myself the faith that I have in the title statement.

A small blessing for today, or for this morning really: On my way to B&N I was lost,nothing new, so driving down the interstate realizing I should have taken the exit before I was looking for the next place to pull off to turn around. Well when I eventually got off the exit - there was a big building that said 'Barnes and Noble' on the top! I couldn't believe it - there in the middle of my 'lostness' I was right where I wanted to end up. It's incredible the parallels I can draw from this to my relationship with God. Even though I may not believe it and doubt what it looks like in my everyday life there is no denying that God is holding everything together.

* I saved this post as a draft a few days ago. Since then I received a shot for my poison ivy and it helped tremendously!! And the first events this weekend went very well = )

Monday, June 7, 2010

how He loves

back to blogging. finding moments to sit down and collect my thoughts in silence have been few and far between lately. between the constant packing and unpacking it is nice to be out of a room full of boxes.
Thinking over what has transpired in the past couple weeks- even before my last blog, I think that the best way to sum it up is as a state of transition. Trying to prepare mentally for my temporary move, preparing for a mission trip, and spending two weeks at home with the parents left me in what I call my state of transition. While I thought about organizing this blog on the principle of forgetting and looking forward I thought it would be more beneficial show more about how God has worked in this time of transition.
I was riding with Adam (my fellow hs intern) on our way to our mission trip this past week. We were talking about how unprepared + unfocused we felt. As a staff I think it would be fair to say that we all felt this way for various reasons. For me, May- June was organized by what city I would be in (K-C-K-BC-L-IL) and what I would need to have with me. However it's not the feeling that I want to focus on, but the results.
God wasn't waiting for me to feel ready mentally- He was going to work. It was a wonderful way for Him to show me that His working is not on my ability to comprehend it or even if I am expecting it. Even though I would love to stay in such close fellowship with the Spirit that I am sensitive to when He is working this time, I was just flat out amazed!
I know that I didn't go into too much detail about this experience but I don't think it's needed. Not to make light of the incredible things I was a part of, but what I want to communicate with you is that our current state of whatever emotion does not hinder God. I can't stress that enough!
Currently I am sitting in my bed at my sister's house and listening to Evolve by Bosc (great song). Tomorrow the plan is to head to granpa and grans house and meet the parents there.
My experiences aren't of enough importance to blog about on their own I just hope to pass on an 'eyes open' mentality to my readers so that we will all be more aware of the fullness of God that He extends to us.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm listening

This morning was one of those days where I was more than a little reluctant to discipline myself to spend time studying God's Word. Lately it seems that it's so much easier to turn on the T.V. and indulge myself in whatever show is on than to feed myself spiritually.
So after a few minutes of just sitting there idly I just started talking to God. I usually refrain from calling these moments of random words 'prayer' because in my legalistic (not sure if that's the right word) mind prayer has to be about 'spiritual' requests or concerns. But this time just found me telling God what I knew about Him and that in my confusion and laziness that I was having a hard time "taking up my cross" today.
Flipping through my Bible I stopped in the underlined verses of Jeremiah 29. I admit that I kinda skipped over vs 11 but it was vs 12 that was meant for me today.
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you."
He listens to me! It doesn't matter what I'm saying, but He listens. He cares enough about me, not just me when I'm 'spiritual' but me, in confusion and frustration.
I then began flipping to familiar passages like Isaiah 41:13 where I see the shepherding nature of God.
"I take hold of your right hand and tell you to not fear, for I will help you"
No longer is God absent- only interested in me when I come with it all together.
I then thought about Isaiah 42:16 when He promises to "guide me along unfamiliar paths"
I'm neither required nor expected to know what I'm doing or where I'm going!
So even today- a lazy (relaxing?) summer day; when I'm battling spiritual discipline in the form of turning off the T.V., not eating another Reese's, and in all things keeping my eyes on Him (Proverbs 4:25), God will fight for me! Exodus 4:14 was such a beautiful reminder that God fights my battles- all of them!
We talk, He listens, I let go of my burdens, and the Most High God steps in on my behalf!
There are so many scriptures I could reference that God has brought so pointedly to my heart today but that would just be a feeble effort compared to what He has to show you personally.
Take heart that He truly is listening to you today!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

it's a Kodak moment- let me go and get my camera

It's been 19 days since my last post. not ok.
Don't worry though, those past 19 days have been filled with a whole bunch of nothing!
That's not entirely true, but compared to fast-paced life in Knoxville, it's all been good.
Family time is always nice and I'm always going to make a point to not wish it away for more 'exciting' things. (As if it could get any crazier than you, mom and dad)
Trying to play catch up on things from these past few weeks would be unimportant but ....I will tell you about my idea for this summer.
Now, it remains to be determined if this idea is either great or just really dumb. Regardless, I have decided to document each day with a picture. Ideally, this would be a picture that well represents that day's happenings but unfortunately, me being absent minded, I often forget to take the picture until the end of the day so it ends up being a picture of dad mom and I crowded together on the couch... But I do think that this has potential. either way I'm doing it. and thankfully I haven't completely forgotten a day... yet.
Anyways, the bachelorette begins tonight so once again I am expecting to get sucked into a show that I'd be just as good, if not better off, without.
Oh and also, today is my sister and her hubby's two year anniversary- very exciting!!
And in case you didn't catch it the title is a little line from 'sexy can I'. fit's in well doesn't it.
Keep smiling = )

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

look up

This afternoon I was sitting at a registration table in the children's area of my church. I love being around children! It's something that hasn't happened much since I've been in college.

The children came in rambunctious and their parents came in tired but smiling, perhaps out of relief or perhaps it's excitement to be in church. Either way it was clear that they were on a mission: to get their kids checked in and head on to their other activities.
I didn't think anything of this until a particular family came in and one child stated to his mother, in a tone of wonder that had a slight command to it, "woah look up!". Our church has an elaborate sky light- is probably the best way I could put it- at the entrance of the children's ministry. This kid had probably walked into this area 50 times, much like we all have, but today while he was enjoying his walk in something caught his eye.
Perhaps it's that kids can get away with being noticeably captivated by something. To stop and simply look at the ceiling- who does that? Now I'm not saying walk into your drop-ceiling basement and stare at it like you would the constellations ... come on now. But I would like to be more observant. If nothing else there's probably cobwebs that have gone unnoticed for the year I've lived here.
I just love that something that would be considered so taboo for an adult is common practice for children. And I guess a verse that would be appropriate is 1 Timothy 4:12. While it's often quoted to younger students I would like to say it to us 'grown-ups' but in a slightly different way: 'Don't look down on anyone because they are young, but let them also be an example to you in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.'

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thousands upon Thousands

John wrote of heaven in Revelation 5:11 "Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne."
This weekend I was able to go to a Christian conference in Atlanta. One of my favorite things was the time we were worshipping together in the main session. Praising Jesus in the presence of 1,000 other people reminded me of this verse in Revelation. What a beautiful thing to proclaim the blood of Jesus and to see other sinners professing in clinging to the same salvation and oh what it will be like to proclaim this before our Savior! And not only that but in the presence of 'ten thousand times ten thousand'!!
I had the thought that maybe one day- around the throne- I will be able to sit on top of my mansion, that He built for me, and simply soak in the sight!

I know this is a short post, and there could be so many more words said but I think that you are fully capable of letting your imagination dwell on this incredible thought from here = )

Until that day!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

sonic happy hour mentality

If I'm out anytime during 2-4 chances are I will be stopping by a Sonic. There's something about 50% off that makes the extra distance worth it.

Well enough about Sonic addiction, despite the title this post really doesn't have much to do with happy hour. It is my inspiration for this post though..

The sweet girl that brought me my sweet tea (it was intentional) skated out to my car- I really feel bad for them because of that - I always try to park close to the door to minimize their skate time (kind, I know). In our brief exchange- I give her the cash and she gives me my RT 44- she made a simple, but noticeable comment, 'I like your earrings'. Thats it- then she left. Nothing big, just a short comment during our quick encounter. There was nothing special about my earrings, same (fake) pearls that I wear almost daily. I started thinking, what if this Sonic skater made it a point to compliment something about each person she served that day. Who cares if she used that same line all day- it was new to me.

So the mentality- look for ways, or a way, to compliment the people you meet. Make it a goal- evidently it makes an impact- I mean I blogged about it = )

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

blog-able moments

Being the lover of blogging that I am I constantly think of what my next post should be about.... so that's slightly dramatic-but let's just go with it.

When your mom, dad, sister, significant other calls you at the end of the day what do you tell them? what makes the highlight reel? what's the cliff-notes version of your day?

I've realized that it's the 'little' moments that are the most encouraging to me, and often the ones that are left of the 'cutting room floor'. And it's not just that I fail to mention them during my end-of-the-day phone calls it's that I often don't thank God for them as I should. Maybe not even that, maybe it's that I simply don't let myself fully appreciate them.

For instance: Today my professor let us out of class early (which is beautiful by itself) but leaving at a different time I 'happened' to cross paths with a fellow Nehemiah Team member from this past summer. Our brief run in turned out to be a 15 min conversation about what we were both going through- just overall encouraging, and not only that but a great reminder about the Philippines.

There's also been a verse, 1 Peter 5:3, that I've been studying recently. Today that verse was on top on the pile of index card verses that I keep on my nightstand.

There could definitely be a lot more to this list if I sit here and think long enough. I guess I'm just wanting to have more of an 'attitude of gratitude' - to learn to genuinely appreciate the little things.

I'm realizing that my life doesn't happen in the moments that are blog-able but maybe more in the ones that I don't consider worthy of mentioning again. I praise God that He cares enough for me to provide huge blessing in little things.

As a side note... movies that I want to see: the back-up plan. the last song. date night. I'm pretty behind- a weekend to catch up on movies would be good = )

Monday, April 12, 2010

black beans and rice

Sitting on the couch watching 'Little People Big World' with the roomie and I thought it would be a good night to blog. There's been so much to go on this past week that it'd probably be good to put my thoughts down in writing.
It's amazing that when I look back, having experienced it all, I can honestly say that God has been in it all. I never want to say anything without bragging on God, not that He needs it but He truly deserves it. I never ever want to look back and take credit for anything, or every try to say I managed to get by on any amount of my own abilities.

I love blogging. I love writing and I love reflecting. One of my favorite books in the Bible is Joshua, specifically when God commands the tribes to pick up a stone of remembrance at the point where they are right in the middle of the Jordan. The middle. The place where you can look ahead and look back and you're just as far in as you'll ever be out. To go forward into a new land, a land that you have heard about for twenty years as being incredible when all you know is life in the dessert. Ebenezer, they were to call it- "Thus far the Lord has carried me". Picture yourself there- you've come this far and to to go back to the life you've known in this new land is no longer an option once picking up this stone. Setting it up at Gilgal is a reminder that you can only go forward.
Imagine looking at the pillar of 12 stones after the waters of the Jordan are flowing over the places where you walked. The image of picking up the stone is forever in your mind- you remember the weight of it as you carried it between two walls of water. At that moment you didn't know what 'forward' was going to look like; but you knew, with great familiarity, deep longings and comfortable feelings what looking back was like. You've been told that the promised land is better- and not just a casual better, but better in every sense of what it could be. In the desert, that has been home for twenty years, talk of the 'Promised Land' was common talk- always invoking in you, though often fleeting, a glimpse of something better, a perfect-sense of what should be instead of what was.
You weren't comfortable in the desert. The restriction of waiting 5 more years until the promise was fulfilled ensues thoughts of acceptance in a place where you know you are only waiting. Living, knowing that the Jordan had to be crossed makes frequent the doubts of how much you truly believe the Most High is with you and in you. When you cross over the river- how ever God is going to bring you across- will anything feel familiar? Will you remember the defeat you carried with you in the desert- will it all be gone when you pass thought the water? How long will it take to cross the Jordan- will God have you stay there (in the process of crossing over) or will you hurry across, anxiously shedding the desert mentality to embrace the promised land? Will you be full of confidence because you're finally moving or unsure if the years in the desert can be loosed from the chains that once held you to it?
Does crossing over the Jordan bring the change itself or will the act of crossing over only serve to spur the change- could God have perhaps been changing you in the desert and so by crossing only served as a bookend to it all?

I guess this is what comes out when you don't have a purpose in mind for a blog... can't say I hate how it turned out. Oh and the title, it's what I had for dinner. I guess you could say I was missing the Philippines...
peace out.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

just sit

It's a beautiful day in Haslam, the business building that is. The seats that I am in are pretty close together so it got me thinking- while I'm studying for my test, about just how much the stranger next to me is going to/or has found out about me in the past 15 minutes we've spent in silent community with each other.

I'm not talking about people watching, although the song that talks about people watching people watching is so true!

I'm talking about the things that someone can pick up on your life just by observing you for 15 minutes- and this is in the least creepy way possible.

So let's take me as an example- through the eyes of the guy sitting next to me.
I sit down with my bagel and orange crush soda from Einsteins- he'd have to be looking pretty closely to notice the kind of soda though. He notices how I sit there for a while, and like most people, catch up on my text messages.. pull out my laptop and look around at various people.
He can observe the things that catch my eye- boys that I give more than just the one second glance and then he'll observe the people that I'm friends with- slightly looking up when he hears the sound of my voice break the fellowship of our silence.
And then, are you ready for this, hear comes the big one- he is there when a random stranger (!!!) comes and sits down in between us asking for 5 minutes of my time. He participates in this awkward situation with me as one equally caught off guard by the unexpected contact. This stranger is there to witness one of the most unusual conversations I've ever had and I'm sure in his mind he is trying to pick up on the clues that would give him any signal to a prior relationship we've had (there was none).
The guy leaves and my buddy- as I feel like we are after we've shared that common bonding experience- gets to hear the sound of my voice as I call a friend. He can pick up on my caring personality by the compassion in my voice. He knows that I tell my friends I love them and he can even assume what I've done this past weekend, or haven't done for that matter.
I'm sure that at this point he probably knows more about me ( the sound of my voice, my habitual issue with texting, what kind of drink I prefer, the interactions with friends) and probably assumes that he should be the one asking me on a random date more so than the other guy- which quite frankly I can't say that I disagree.

This blog was inspired because I genuinely believe that after 15 minutes of sitting next to me that this guy could tell you more about me that the stranger who sees my face all over Knoxville- literally we always run into each other. And therefore, barring any physical attraction, or lack thereof, the person sitting next to me has more of a knowledge of me to pursue a relationship than that familiar face.
Now don't read this and think 'Wow Val you really think you're the greatest thing that happened to this world' or anything like that. All I'm wanting to do is point out just how sitting with someone, rather intentionally sitting next to your love, or if its the person nest to you in Haslam, you get to know them-silently.
And quite simply don't take that information for granted.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hindsight is 20/20

...this post really has nothing to do with hindsight-I just had that quote in my head today and it sounded like a good blog title....

So here are my realizations for the week:

I eat out way too much. Thing is though is that 1. I don't have time to shop for groceries and 2. even if I did have food at my apartment I'm never here to eat it.

The thought of not knowing when I'll have time to run each day makes me stress.

God perfectly combined my love for ministry and event planning into my current job.

Honeysuckle Wood Wick candles are amazing.

I'm a worse speller than I thought when I don't have T9 making words for me.

I have now reached the point in the year when I look at the 10 day forecast to plan out when I will be able to lay out.

It's kinda funny that God knew what life was like in the beginning stages of basketball (I'm watching the final 4 right now).

A thermostat that is reading 82 is not working.

Sometimes God is intentional in allowing us to see the direct connection between our prayers and His answers.

Divine appointments are incredible!! And all I can say to that is 'God is SO cool'!

My small group is one of those intentional answers to prayer. All I want is for God to be glorified and I know that He is working and I am so thankful for His invisible work!

I never really thought about the fact that the followers of Christ doubted when He was crucified. I always read the Bible knowing that after it says 'The crucifixion of Jesus' the next title says 'Jesus' resurrection'. Looking at it from the disciples' point of view at the Walk Wednesday was eye opening among many other things.

And lastly, don't try to open an Izze bottle from Starbucks with your bare hands, you will get cut, and it will hurt.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

rediscovered treasure

I did a little spring cleaning this weekend and in the process I discovered this excerpt from my journal. Obviously I didn't write it- there's no question about that, but I'm not sure where it's originally from. All I do know is that God used this so much my sophomore year of college and the words serve as a precious reminder of all that my Savior and Friend has brought me through! So of course I wanted to pass it on to my blog readers... I would recommend printing it out and reading it daily-trust me you'll see why!

"We have to develop godly habits to express what God's grace has done in us. It is not just a question of being saved from hell, but of being saved so that 'the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body'. And it's adversity that makes us exhibit His life in our mortal flesh. Is my life exhibiting the essence of the sweetness of the Son of God, or just the basic irritation of 'myself' that I would have apart from Him? The only thing that will enable me to enjoy adversity is the acute sense of eagerness of allowing the life of the Son of God to evidence itself in me. No matter how difficult something may be, I must say 'Lord, I am delighted to obey You in this'. Instantly, the Son of God moves to the forefront of my life, and will manifest in my body that which glorifies Him.
You must not debate. The moment you obey the light of God, His Son shines through you in that very adversity; but if debate with God, you grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). You must keep yourself in proper condition to allow the life of the Son of God to be manifested in you, and you cannot keep yourself fit if you give way to self-pity. Our circumstances are the means that God uses to exhibit just how wonderfully perfect and extraordinarily pure His Son is.
Discovering a new way to manifest the Son of God should make our heart beat with renewed excitement. It is one thing to chose adversity, and quite another to enter into adversity through the orchestrating of our circumstances by God's sovereignty. And if God puts you into adversity, He is adequately sufficient to 'supply all your needs' (Philippians 4:19).
Keep your soul properly conditioned to manifest the life of the Son of God. Never live on your memories of past experiences but always let the word of God be living and active in you."

...Just a quick shout out to my friend Lynette who took the time to send this to me two years ago- it's amazing how God saw the potential impact on my life because of it and blessed me through it! I hope God uses it in your life as well!

Friday, March 26, 2010


So training...not so much.

I've found that when my training plan is to run 5 miles a day it doesn't only keep me from running but it keeps me from doing any sort of physical activity. period. With so many other things that have more pressing needs I can't seem to cut them out to create the time to run. I can't decide how to make running a priority-or honestly even if I should. And part of me might be thinking that on April 23 I will be able to bust out 13 miles with no problems, no training required... probably not my most realistic plan...

So why is this blog worthy you ask? -I'm asking myself this question too- But I think there's a genuine lesson behind all this. Why does such a large task intimidate me to the point of being ineffective and unproductive? Am I afraid of running and showing myself a failure by not finishing? I know that this may not be such a big issue just for running but I think that there are unnerving parallels with my day to day life.

In Joshua 1 God says that He will 'give us everywhere that we place our foot'. I know that there is some kind of success waiting out there for me- and for you - when we truly begin trusting God for our promised land. The kind of life that God is leading us into cannot be entered with feelings of doubt and timidity - this promised land can only be entered when being strong and courageous. I cannot help but wonder what kind of abundant life is waiting for me when I break down these barriers and truly start believing God.

I praise God for the opportunity to relate these promises to my day to day life. It's Friday night and honestly the last time I ran was probably a week ago. But, keeping the title of this blog in mind- I will forget and look forward to next week. And I will give thanks for every step that I can take instead of being upset over the steps (miles) that I have not yet obtained. So enough of being lazy and ineffective I am going to be strong and courageous!

And just a side note if you don't know -I'm running this half marathon for a couple in Louisville who feels like God has called them to be obedient to the great commission by adopting. Please be praying for Ken and Sara as God provides for them financially and as He prepares the children that will be a part of their family.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

but I neeeed it

2 Peter 1:3 Affirms to us that God has given us everything for life. I thought about this post as I was driving in my car listening to Lady Antebellum's song 'Need you now'.... It's with these thoughts in my mind that I started to consider my present circumstances and the things that I would consider 'needs'.
I'm amazed at how sometimes I feel like there are things missing in my life that could make me happy. I question that perhaps God has neglected to bring about what I would consider my essentials to be at this moment in my life.

The Walk Wednesday addressed the issue of our doubts. We were encouraged to admit doubts that we had with God. And I think that most of my doubts are based on the core fear that at this point in my life I'm waiting. That I'm not yet fully equipped for what I will need for this life.

It was so freeing to realize that at this current point in my life my heavenly Father has fully equipped me with everything I need for life. Life, the way that I am living now- and not life alone but godliness, to live the life that He wants me to live to please Him. Praise God that He knows my needs better than I do! I can stop waiting until I obtain my degree or even to obtain my life partner because it's not needed for me right now. Praise God for this!
Rejoice in that fact that no matter how inadequate you feel God is ready to fill what you think is lacking with His power! He truly has given us everything we need for life!

I would like to dedicate this post to Lady Antebellum's song 'Need you now' should go listen to it!! (and be thankful that your life is a Christian is more fulfilling than that)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break in review

Today is the first day back to class after the wonderful week long break break for spring.

This means that my newsfeed on facebook will be making sure that I am well aware of the 50 new albums that 15 of my friends are tagged in -giving me plenty of opportunities to 1. waste my time and 2. to feel inferior to everyone else's vacations.
The problem with this is that it leaves me focusing on what I've 'missed out' on instead of being thankful for how relaxing my break was and what I was able to accomplish.
This might sound like a simple and unimportant issue... and maybe it is, but God is quick to remind me of Ephesians 5:3 which says, 'But among you there must not even be a hint of...greed, for this is improper for God's holy people'.
With this in mind I'm trying to be conscious of what I let my mind think about- especially in regards to this past week. Being able to stay in Knoxville and work without having to go to class really was enough for me. Not having the obligation of going to class freed me to do other things that I really enjoy- primarily what I like to call my 3 R's: rest, run, and read!
Today as I was sitting in class I thought about the song that says 'you can have all this world but give me Jesus'. A girl that I know had just finished talking about her 5 day cruise to Mexico, filled with parties and many hours of sunbathing. But I couldn't help but think how unfulfilled she is spiritually. I would much rather have spent 5 days in the comfortable arms of my Savior learning, resting, and growing in Him than 'living it up' on a cruise to Mexico...or anywhere for that matter.
So for me, the next time I hear about an awesome week or see pictures that I'm tempted (Christy) to look at I'll consciously make the effort to remember how God blessed me, genuinely blessed me, with rest this week- and I'll be thankful- not in comparison, because people will always have better things than me, but because God knew just what I needed- and this week was specifically just for me.

And just to clarify....I don't mean for this to come across as me setting a golden rule for what people should do. This is my spring break in review and what I got out of it. Like I said I wish that I could have gone somewhere -so don't think I'm saying everyone needs to forego vacations for the sake of spiritual disciplines. This was just me blogging about my life and my view of it. So no judgmental thoughts here : )

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eeeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe

Ever had a tough decision to make?

And just to clarify, when I say tough I don't mean like some of the terrible, life-changing ultimatums that too many people struggle with are faced with all the time. My life has been mercifully void of anything so difficult- which makes complaining simply ungrateful and selfish.

Sometimes I wonder if it's pride that makes choosing between one option for it's counterpart so unattractive. Is it all about me wanting to be the best person at the end of the day? The one who can carefully maneuver through the 'balancing act' that we've made life out to be, avoiding at all costs anything that would really tip the scales. Isn't that an admirable trait?

And while these decisions probably won't alter our lives past the next month, there's a fear that somehow, this is what the enemy has been waiting for- us exposed, and clueless.

I listened to a sermon this morning from Southern entitled 'The Dangers of Becoming a Professional Sermon Listener' . It was a wonderful sermon all together but there was one phrase that Dan Dumas said that has been on repeat in my mind all day- he said that we're 'always looking for the most pointed message to blog about' and continued to say that the ignorant are all too quick to open their mouths while the wise keep there mouths shut'.
So with that sermon, beckoning for change, I don't want to try to preach a sermon with my blog- like my friend Adam says 'Blogging is just a journal that everyone can see'. So here's my 'journal entry' the night (2 am that is- because for some reason I fell asleep at 8 and am now wide awake...thank you blogging for giving me something to do).
I'm not sure what decision I've made and I'm kinda wishing that I could take the 'eeny, meeny, miny, moe' approach to my life. Thing is though is that feelings get in the way, and emotional and aspirational ties make stepping out to get a clear perspective difficult.
My assurance comes from God though, because I'm pretty sure that Him allowing me to make one decision doesn't change the fact that 'He determines my steps' (Proverbs 16:9) and that's more assurance than I could ever need!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So great a cloud of witnesses

Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses... let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Why do you think it makes a difference if we were surrounded by witnesses-and more than witnesses, a whole cloud of them! When I run I tend to think of songs, verses anything that has to do with running, and so today it was Hebrews 12:1-2.
Monday night I foolishly waited to start my 6 mile run to 8:30... which meant I had to run on the treadmill-my least favorite thing! There was no one in the gym and the horrible treadmill was facing a wall- so there I was for 40+ minutes staring directly at a wall with no one to hold me accountable except for the two people that I texted about how miserable I was.... Needless to say I ended up running two miles and walking for about twenty minutes until the gym closed at 9:30.
So today I woke up early so that I could run outside in my favorite park. It's amazing to me how much difference it makes when I'm running in the presence of other people. As I was running along I thought about the training program that I'm using for my half-marathon. The longest run that I'll ever work up to is 10 miles- kinda strange when I'm supposed to be running 13... But that's where Hebrews 12 comes in. There's something about witnesses, people cheering you on, that affects your ability to persevere. I've heard that there's no need to build up to the full 13 because on race day the energy from all the spectators is enough to carry you through the last 3 miles... enough to make you persevere til the end.

So the spiritual application? My high school youth pastor once preached on this passage. He spoke of how in a building where he went to seminary there was a painting on the ceiling that pictured in intricate detail hundreds of people, angelic-like, looking down from above. And just as it was for him, this mental image has often been associated with this verse for me. Just imagine, the great cloud of witnesses looking down from heaven on you as you're laying in bed at night stressed out from another long day and trying to plan out how you're going to make it through the next 24 hours-which is about as far in advanced as you can plan- think on this and then run, with perseverance. Just imagine yourself in between the taped off course of your 13.1 miles, surrounded by 'witnesses' cheering you on, and persevere!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Disclaimer

So I wanted to preface my blogs with a quick statement before I get started....
I've been holding out on joining the blogging world for a long time-not because I'm anti blog but probably just because of the stereotypes that I associate with bloggers. But if I were to be completely honest, the thought of blogging is kind of exciting to me. I love reading my friends' blogs ...and even though I see and talk to them often I'm always amazed at the extra insight I discover while reading. Their thoughts and perspectives are so encouraging to me!
I have to warn my reader(s) - if it's anyone other than my parents- that I can tend to be a little bit wordy and drawn out- my thoughts aren't exactly concise and that probably won't change when I write them down.
I guess I'm just excited to get my thoughts out there-not because I'm looking for a way to vent or to let people know the 'real' me but just because if in some small way my life can be an encouragement or a learning experience for anyone well then, I want to do it. After all, aren't we as the body of Christ supposed to be 'spurring one another on toward love and good deeds' (Hebrews 10:24)?
So, that being said I guess I can officially post my first blog....who knows what is to follow!