Friday, March 8, 2013

Return. Remain.

Feelings of familiarity are such a blessing and familiarity with Scripture, proves to be a solid anchor.

The new TV series on the History channel "The Bible" had me following along through Genesis to Exodus with the portrayal of Abraham, Lot and Noah. One particular verse, in Genesis 19 really stood out to me:

"Early the next morning 
Abraham got up and 
to the place where he had
stood before the Lord"

Morning Bible time has more or less been a familiar habit in my life for many seasons. Each day lending itself to unique struggles- yet cultivating roots, nonetheless. Proving more of God's faithfulness in teaching, than an ability for me to present myself before Him daily. 

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus provides the example of getting up early (Mark 1:35) to go before the Father. It's the familiarity to this meeting that serves as both the blessing and the anchor. Genesis 18:22:

"...but Abraham 
standing before the Lord"

"Remain in Me and I will remain in you.
No branch can bear fruit by itself;
it must remain in the vine.
Neither can you bear fruit
unless you remain in Me" -John 15:4

No matter where I find myself, how close or distant I feel to the Lord the words 'return' and 'remain' will always serve as poignant reminders of the anchor and familiarity that is continually offered in the Lord. 

"You can never fall too far, so fast, so far that you can't get back when you're lost. Where you are is never too late, so bad, so much that you can't change" - Unspoken "Who you Are"