Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'and so we will be with the Lord forever'

These words from 1 Thessalonians 4 have been resonating in my mind this afternoon.
Today was a wonderful day- all around just great. Sitting outside after dinner I had one of those times that make you wonder why the moment couldn't last for a while. I remember my dad saying one time that he always wished that life wouldn't change, that it would slow down long enough to be appreciated the way it is. Today was one of those days.

These words are what we are all craving for. To dwell, to be with the Lord, forever. To not have to depart from that moment and not have to attempt to hang on to that moment as if it were fleeting.
That time of being with our Lord will never end!
It has been such a fantastic day, but I can trust that even if tomorrow doesn't bring me the same results - one day I will enjoy the best moment; and it won't be fleeting.
'Therefore encourage each other with these words.'

1 Thessalonians 4:17-18

Friday, June 11, 2010

you have everything you need

As assured, or perhaps I should say familiar, as I am with this promise of God, I find myself battling it's truth daily. I don't believe that being where I am 'supposed to be' could be at a place where I am not happy, to put it bluntly. Keep in mind, it's not so much the physical location that I am referring to but more the state of life.

Here's a brief summary of what life has been like this past week:

My GPS has been a constant companion- I really would be lost with out it, sometimes I'm even lost with it.
My run in with poison ivy has not been pleasant. I'm not sure how I would classify it (mild, bad, or horrible) because I've never been around someone that has it but I'm pretty sure that when it spreads over your entire body it isn't a good thing.

side note:
I can't imagine what it have must been like to be a leper. Disregard becoming an outcast of the society (not even being able to go sit in Barnes and Noble or get a coffee from Starbucks) but what about having a disease take over your body and you have no control over it. The fact that Jesus touched these people still gets me - but even in my case of poison ivy I am keenly aware that Jesus took control over their bodies, and their lives, by stopping the spread and healing the scars of their disease.

Today I drove to several golf courses hoping to find a job that would give me something to do during the days. That was an experience in itself. I had been wanting to go to Barnes and Noble to read/blog because being alone isn't as bad in the presence of other people and I wanted time to think without going crazy in the house.
Everything I have mentioned and everything I am going through in life right now has somehow pointed me back to deciding for myself the faith that I have in the title statement.

A small blessing for today, or for this morning really: On my way to B&N I was lost,nothing new, so driving down the interstate realizing I should have taken the exit before I was looking for the next place to pull off to turn around. Well when I eventually got off the exit - there was a big building that said 'Barnes and Noble' on the top! I couldn't believe it - there in the middle of my 'lostness' I was right where I wanted to end up. It's incredible the parallels I can draw from this to my relationship with God. Even though I may not believe it and doubt what it looks like in my everyday life there is no denying that God is holding everything together.

* I saved this post as a draft a few days ago. Since then I received a shot for my poison ivy and it helped tremendously!! And the first events this weekend went very well = )

Monday, June 7, 2010

how He loves

back to blogging. finding moments to sit down and collect my thoughts in silence have been few and far between lately. between the constant packing and unpacking it is nice to be out of a room full of boxes.
Thinking over what has transpired in the past couple weeks- even before my last blog, I think that the best way to sum it up is as a state of transition. Trying to prepare mentally for my temporary move, preparing for a mission trip, and spending two weeks at home with the parents left me in what I call my state of transition. While I thought about organizing this blog on the principle of forgetting and looking forward I thought it would be more beneficial show more about how God has worked in this time of transition.
I was riding with Adam (my fellow hs intern) on our way to our mission trip this past week. We were talking about how unprepared + unfocused we felt. As a staff I think it would be fair to say that we all felt this way for various reasons. For me, May- June was organized by what city I would be in (K-C-K-BC-L-IL) and what I would need to have with me. However it's not the feeling that I want to focus on, but the results.
God wasn't waiting for me to feel ready mentally- He was going to work. It was a wonderful way for Him to show me that His working is not on my ability to comprehend it or even if I am expecting it. Even though I would love to stay in such close fellowship with the Spirit that I am sensitive to when He is working this time, I was just flat out amazed!
I know that I didn't go into too much detail about this experience but I don't think it's needed. Not to make light of the incredible things I was a part of, but what I want to communicate with you is that our current state of whatever emotion does not hinder God. I can't stress that enough!
Currently I am sitting in my bed at my sister's house and listening to Evolve by Bosc (great song). Tomorrow the plan is to head to granpa and grans house and meet the parents there.
My experiences aren't of enough importance to blog about on their own I just hope to pass on an 'eyes open' mentality to my readers so that we will all be more aware of the fullness of God that He extends to us.