I've found that when my training plan is to run 5 miles a day it doesn't only keep me from running but it keeps me from doing any sort of physical activity. period. With so many other things that have more pressing needs I can't seem to cut them out to create the time to run. I can't decide how to make running a priority-or honestly even if I should. And part of me might be thinking that on April 23 I will be able to bust out 13 miles with no problems, no training required... probably not my most realistic plan...
So why is this blog worthy you ask? -I'm asking myself this question too- But I think there's a genuine lesson behind all this. Why does such a large task intimidate me to the point of being ineffective and unproductive? Am I afraid of running and showing myself a failure by not finishing? I know that this may not be such a big issue just for running but I think that there are unnerving parallels with my day to day life.
In Joshua 1 God says that He will 'give us everywhere that we place our foot'. I know that there is some kind of success waiting out there for me- and for you - when we truly begin trusting God for our promised land. The kind of life that God is leading us into cannot be entered with feelings of doubt and timidity - this promised land can only be entered when being strong and courageous. I cannot help but wonder what kind of abundant life is waiting for me when I break down these barriers and truly start believing God.
I praise God for the opportunity to relate these promises to my day to day life. It's Friday night and honestly the last time I ran was probably a week ago. But, keeping the title of this blog in mind- I will forget and look forward to next week. And I will give thanks for every step that I can take instead of being upset over the steps (miles) that I have not yet obtained. So enough of being lazy and ineffective I am going to be strong and courageous!
And just a side note if you don't know -I'm running this half marathon for a couple in Louisville who feels like God has called them to be obedient to the great commission by adopting. Please be praying for Ken and Sara as God provides for them financially and as He prepares the children that will be a part of their family.
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