Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Not the same thing

The importance of a daily quiet time has been impressed upon me since the early day of middle school church camp. I have yet to be consistently faithful to a daily quiet time and already  I'm learning that God desires more than reading the Word. It sounds obvious, but acknowledging that prayer isn't synonymous with reading the Bible, is a big eye-opener for me.

The easy solution would be to say that prayer can happen any time, any place, with eyes open, closed, head bowed or while driving down the road. While this type of prayer is beneficial, I have yet to experience, on a routine basis, true confession and intersession in my communication with God. There must be an intentional time before the Lord where I seek to claim His will for my life.

As cliche as it may sound, true communion with God is too important to not take time for. For reasons that don't have to be explained to us, God has established Kingdom on an ask/ receive economy (James 4:3). This means realizing that there are things that God could have in store for my marriage, family and spiritual growth that simply aren't because I haven't asked.

It's time that I begin seeing things through God's economy and merely stop getting through with my daily Bible time,skipping out on the deeper communion with God that is available to me.

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