Tuesday, August 16, 2011

it's a ..... baby Tarver!!

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families" Psalm 68:5-6

It would be impossible to announce the adoption process commencement of Ben and Christy Tarver without drawing attention to our personal 'adoption as sons' (Romans 8:23) into God's family. It is from Him and through Him that we may know and communicate a spirit of adoption.

It is from this basis of understanding and because of God's faithful, pursuing love that Ben and Christy (my sister and brother-in-law) are seeking to adopt a child into their family! To say that I'm a proud aunt is an understatement!! In the past two weeks I have been with the parents-to-be as items are picked out for the baby, a guest bedroom becomes a nursery and have listened in as potential baby names are discussed. Praise God for among other things, allowing me the joy of living so close to them during this exciting season!

Much like me, I'm sure most people reading this are unaware of the lengthy process that is adoption (in the legal sense). As a brief overview, Ben and Christy hope to be paper ready by the beginning of October. This includes a myriad of tasks, which seem to have the intention of leaving very little, if anything, unknown about their lives.... From this point it could be three weeks to three months before a child is placed into their lives. While I have glazed over the events leading up to and including the process, you should know that it can be a very trying time. Please bring this process before the Father, specifically for wisdom and discernment, and most importantly that Ben and Christy's hearts would be growing evermore like Christ's.

The announcement of baby Tarver was presented to me in the form of an 'aunt' bracelet and with a copy of "Adopted for Life" -a book written by the pastor of our church here. It was a sweet time of celebration followed by a trip home that weekend to tell the parents (nanna and pop) and the (great) grandparents.

The next day, training for "Farther for Tarver" began. We have decided to use the half-marathon in Louisville on November 11th as a way to encourage friends to give of themselves physically, by running the race with us; or financially, by sponsoring our run. This concept was originally used to raise awareness and funds for an adoption by our friends the Lovetts (Lovett or Leave it) and we 'lovett' enough to bring it back! We already have a group of approximately 11 runners so far; myself, Christy and Ben included.... Brief shout out to my sister whom I couldn't be more proud of for her determined efforts in training for something that isn't her favorite of all past-times! :)

The purpose of this blog is to serve as an official announcement of baby Tarver and to also inform you of ways you can be involved. Ben and Christy will be accepting sponsors for their run, Farther for Tarver, and of course more runners are also always welcome! The second way to be a part of the process is by purchasing a shirt (pictured on my Facebook page) - who doesn't love a great commemorative tee?? All money will go directly to this process.

We are so blessed to find ourselves surrounded by a faith family here that celebrates adoption. My eyes and heart have been opened to my own adoption into Christ and to my Father who is a Father to the fatherless. If adoption interests you, and even better, if you have never considered adoption in any sense, I encourage you to first open God's Word which is full of adoption parallels, where such an emphasis cannot, and should not, be overlooked. Then secondly, to procure a copy of Dr. Moore's "Adopted for Life" for yourself- a must-read for those adopting and also to those who have never thought about their own adoption into God's family.

I look forward to sharing more with you on the process of welcoming baby Tarver into our family! I write this as one excited for another's adoption and as one grateful for my own.


  1. I want a t-shirt!!! And I want to know more ways to help!!! Love them and so excited for this new chapter in their lives!! I am not at all surprised at their obedience in caring for the fatherless! :)
