Freedom to seek the Kingdom, void of distractions, to not be preoccupied with 'all such things'. Christ has given the freedom to run after the Kingdom.
Being given 'these things as well' is not a synonym for a 'two for the price of one' offer, as if clothing and food were on equal standing with the Kingdom. God is saving us from the worldly distractions that set themselves up against the Kingdom cause.
You provide and tell us to exhaust our resources ('Sell your possessions and give to the poor' v 33), as one drenching the sacrifice to see it burned up with fire from Heaven (1 Kings 18:30-39) so that You may continue to see Your Kingdom advance and Your little flock dressed like the flowers and fed like the ravens. It pleases You to give us the Kingdom, for us to set our hearts on You.
In providing for us out of Your riches, we are provided for better than what our feeble attempts would reep. You know that such would only lead us to a false goal (that of which the pagans run after) resulting in stolen goods and rusted treasures. Yet You know that when You provide it is more than we can hold (Malachi 3:10) and it is that of which cannot spoil, perish, or fade (1 Peter 1: 4).
So we sell, of the gifts given, in order that more might receive. We are enabled to run for Your Kingdom and in our having -to give, You are glorified.
Nevertheless, flesh fails; BUT GOD is the strength of my heart and my forever portion. Psalm 73:26
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