Friday, March 25, 2011

a bite-size portion, please.

I've been seeking bite-size portions of God.

What about being swept over by a tidal wave?
What about majesty? A sense of gazing upon the Rocky Mountains.
What about "too much to contain" (Malachi 3:10)?

Ephesians 3:19-21: "Now to Him who is able"
Christ is able to, through His power, fill me with all the measure of the fullness of God!

When I'm eating, fullness comes when I have consumed too much; not 'just enough'. I haven't stopped at 'satisfied' but I have exceeded my limit- I'm full.
Colossians 2:10: "and you have been given fullness in Christ..."

I have sought, and consequently have received, God in bite-size amounts. I wanted a message in 140 characters or in the containment of a single verse. I have wanted to be able to grasp it, to make sense of it, to receive simply what is needed for the day. But I could have so much more.
I have been given so much more!

There is a deep mystery in the Word of God. It's not containable. It's too much for me to make sense of. It is beyond any logical explanation that I could come up with. It is too much to record in a journal and definitely too much to be posted in a blog! The reason why I haven't been satisfied- the reason why my soul hasn't been overflowing with joy? because my desire has been for God to presented to me through the limit of my understanding.

Praise God that He has given us His understanding and His wisdom to understand the mystery of Himself in all of His fullness!!
I want God.
mind whirling,
too much to comprehend on my own,

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