So after a few minutes of just sitting there idly I just started talking to God. I usually refrain from calling these moments of random words 'prayer' because in my legalistic (not sure if that's the right word) mind prayer has to be about 'spiritual' requests or concerns. But this time just found me telling God what I knew about Him and that in my confusion and laziness that I was having a hard time "taking up my cross" today.
Flipping through my Bible I stopped in the underlined verses of Jeremiah 29. I admit that I kinda skipped over vs 11 but it was vs 12 that was meant for me today.
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you."
He listens to me! It doesn't matter what I'm saying, but He listens. He cares enough about me, not just me when I'm 'spiritual' but me, in confusion and frustration.
I then began flipping to familiar passages like Isaiah 41:13 where I see the shepherding nature of God.
"I take hold of your right hand and tell you to not fear, for I will help you"
No longer is God absent- only interested in me when I come with it all together.
I then thought about Isaiah 42:16 when He promises to "guide me along unfamiliar paths"
I'm neither required nor expected to know what I'm doing or where I'm going!
So even today- a lazy (relaxing?) summer day; when I'm battling spiritual discipline in the form of turning off the T.V., not eating another Reese's, and in all things keeping my eyes on Him (Proverbs 4:25), God will fight for me! Exodus 4:14 was such a beautiful reminder that God fights my battles- all of them!
We talk, He listens, I let go of my burdens, and the Most High God steps in on my behalf!
There are so many scriptures I could reference that God has brought so pointedly to my heart today but that would just be a feeble effort compared to what He has to show you personally.
Take heart that He truly is listening to you today!!